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  • Microsoft to Discontinue Copilot GPT Builder Four Months Post Launch
A professional scene depicting the discontinuation of Microsoft's Copilot GPT Builder. The image shows a modern office with computer screens displaying the Copilot GPT Builder interface. Elements include a calendar showing July 10 and business people looking at the screens. The background features Microsoft's logo, emphasizing the shift in focus to enterprise AI. The overall tone is professional and transitional

Author: Alicia Shapiro

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Microsoft to Discontinue Copilot GPT Builder Four Months Post Launch

Microsoft announced it will be discontinuing its Copilot GPT Builder, just four months after its launch. The feature, which allowed users to create personalized chatbots, will be removed from the company's offerings on July 10. This decision underscores the rapidly evolving nature of generative AI technologies and the shifting priorities within tech giants like Microsoft.

Key Features of Copilot GPT Builder

The GPT Builder was designed to let users of Copilot create customized chatbots tailored to specific business needs. Users could specify the chatbot's domain and tone through written instructions, allowing for a highly personalized AI assistant. Once trained on a PC, these custom chatbots could be deployed across other PCs and mobile devices, even those without a Copilot Pro subscription.

Despite these capabilities, Microsoft has decided to phase out the GPT Builder. The company explained that the feature was more consumer-oriented and less viable for its commercial and enterprise clientele, which it prefers to focus on.

Focus on Commercial and Enterprise Customers

In a statement, Microsoft highlighted its intention to prioritize other aspects of the Copilot product suite. The company noted that the GPT Builder did not align well with the needs of its primary target market—commercial and enterprise customers. However, Microsoft has not disclosed any plans for an alternative feature that might better serve these customers or how many users were actually utilizing the GPT Builder.

Data Backup and Deletion

Microsoft has informed users that all custom GPT bots created with the builder will be deleted after July 10. Users who wish to retain their specific configurations and instructions for training their AI assistants can back up their data by navigating to the configure tab in edit mode. Any additional user-added data will also be deleted.

The company has provided clear instructions for users to save their data, ensuring they have the opportunity to preserve their work before the feature is completely removed.

The Rapid Pace of AI Development

This move reflects the broader trend in the tech industry where companies frequently introduce and then quickly retire new features as they refine their focus and adapt to market demands. Microsoft's decision to axe the GPT Builder demonstrates the challenges and fluid nature of developing and maintaining cutting-edge AI tools.

Industry observers note that such rapid changes are not uncommon in the world of generative AI. Companies are continuously experimenting with new functionalities and features, some of which may not gain the traction or meet the strategic goals necessary for long-term support.

Future Directions for Microsoft AI

While the discontinuation of the GPT Builder might be disappointing for some users, it also signals Microsoft's commitment to refining its AI offerings to better serve its core audience. By focusing on commercial and enterprise solutions, Microsoft aims to deliver more robust and scalable AI tools that can integrate seamlessly into business environments.

As Microsoft continues to evolve its AI strategy, users can expect new and improved features designed to enhance productivity and operational efficiency in business settings. The company’s ongoing efforts to innovate in the AI space will likely bring forward new solutions that address the specific needs of its enterprise customers.


Microsoft's decision to discontinue the Copilot GPT Builder just four months after its launch highlights the fast-paced and experimental nature of the AI industry. The feature allowed for the creation of personalized chatbots but will be phased out by July 10 to focus on more commercially viable solutions. Users are advised to back up their data before the feature is removed. This change underscores Microsoft's strategic shift towards prioritizing enterprise and commercial AI applications.